The Phoenix Symphony is excited to announce we are upgrading to a new, easy-to-use ticketing system. During this transition, our TICKETING SYSTEM IS DOWN September 11, 12, 13, and 14. Our new ticketing system will be live on September 15. Sorry for any inconvenience. Feel free to browse our performances in the meantime.

Phoenix Symphony Board of Directors

Adam Goodman, Chair

President and CEO, Goodmans Interior Structures

Morris “Mo” Stein, Chair-Elect

Principal Architect & American West Regional Director, HKS Architects

Lon Babby, Immediate Past Co-Chair

Former President of Basketball Operations, Phoenix Suns, Retired

Laura Franco French, Secretary

Director of State Government Relations, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company

Susan Haag, Treasurer

Past Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration of the Symphony

David Bornemann, Vice Chair

President, Bornemann Associates, LLC

Dr. Oliver “Ollie” Harper, Vice Chair and Chair Emeritus

Faculty, University of AZ College of Medicine, Phoenix
Co-Founder, Arizona Medical Clinic

Jenny Holsman Tetreault, Vice Chair

Vice President and General Counsel, TPI Composites

Jeff Rich, Vice Chair

Of Counsel, Rose Law Group

Peter Kjome, President & CEO

John Graham, Chair Emeritus

President & Chairman, Sunbelt Holdings

Ellen Andeen-Keller

Council Member, Town of Paradise Valley

Eric J. Bieber

Past President & CEO, Rochester Regional Health

Philip Cowen

Chairman, Decatur Capital Corporation

Leslie Dashew

President, The Human Side of Enterprise, LLC
Managing Partner, Aspen Family Business Group, LLC

Dian D'Avanzo

Assistant Concermaster, The Phoenix Symphony

Matthew Feeney

Partner, Snell & Wilmer

Max Fose

President & CEO, Fose + McKay

Cary Harbor

Senior Vice President, Site Operations, Palo Verde Generating Station, Arizona Public Service Company

Anna Kim Kazepides

Principal Second Violin, The Phoenix Symphony

Vanessa Kisicki

Associate General Manager of Customer Operations and Chief Customer Executive, Salt River Project

Doug Loefgren

Attorney, Loefgren Law

Rick McCartney

President and CEO, InMedia Company

Doris Ong

Community Leader

Paul Penzone

VP & Chief Community Relations Officer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona

Linda "Mac" Perlich

Owner, ON Media Publishing

Kallie Rose

Community Leader

Mary Jane Rynd

Past President and CEO, Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust

David Selden

Partner, Messner Reeves LLP

Mark Young

President & CEO, National Bank of Arizona

Honorary Trustees

Molly DeFilippis

Hugh Downs*

Roy A. Herberger, Jr., Ph.D.

Eliot Minsker

Richard B. Snell

John O. Whiteman*

* In Memoriam

Lifetime Directors

Jeanne L. Herberger, Ph.D.

David Lindner


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