PHOENIX – The Phoenix Symphony is pleased to announce the receipt of a naming gift from PetSmart for �Abraze La Música! (Embrace the Music). This program provides the opportunity for inner-city youth in Phoenix to learn about music from some of the best and brightest world-class guest artists that perform with The Phoenix Symphony throughout the year. The Symphony also provides students and their families with free tickets to Symphony concerts at Symphony Hall.
“At PetSmart, we’re proud to call Phoenix home and believe in supporting organizations that improve the lives of the people in our own backyard,” said Andy Izquierdo, Vice President of Corporate Affairs for PetSmart. “We’re honored to support �Abraze La Música!, and look forward to seeing this program enhance our community.”
Throughout the school year, The Phoenix Symphony brings a variety of guest artists, musicians and conductors to Rosie’s House for clinics and discussions about music, including the importance of being dedicated to setting and accomplishing personal goals. After these visit, students and their families are given the opportunity to attend a Phoenix Symphony concert free of charge, often to see the artist they met and learned from performing live on stage.
“We are honored to have our esteemed �Abraze La Música! program supported by PetSmart,” says Jim Ward, President & CEO of The Phoenix Symphony. “The Symphony is dedicated to the advancement of music education, and as the largest performing arts organization in Arizona, it is our responsibility to help supplement music education, not just in schools, but through community engagement as well.”
The Symphony’s mission is to provide the joy of music as a catalyst in helping Arizona to become the best place in America to work and live. One of the ways this mission is accomplished is through innovative and exceptional Education and Community Engagement programs, like�Abraze La Música!, which impact thousands of individuals every year.
“I believe that it is the duty of all orchestras and presenting organizations worldwide to help educate future generations of musicians and music-lovers alike,” says guest violinist Philippe Quint. “The fact that the Symphony has a program like this that impacts and inspires Phoenix’s inner-city youth speaks volumes about the value of The Phoenix Symphony to this community.”
Throughout the 2013/14 Season, Phoenix Symphony musicians and guest artists lead group lessons, clinics and discussions at Rosie’s House for �Abraze La Música!, including violinist Philippe Quint, pianist Fabio Bidini and pianist Sean Chen.
Click here to learn more about The Phoenix Symphony’s PetSmart Abraze La Música!.