Handel's Messiah

Dec 12 -15
Venue: Various Locations


George Frederich Handel’s Messiah is the most famous oratorio ever written. Join us this December for the beloved Holiday tradition that thrills and inspires concertgoers year after year. Enjoy the full oratorio with solo arias such as “I Know That My Redeemer Liveth” and “The Trumpet Shall Sound” and popular choruses such as “For Unto Us A Child Is Born” and the “Hallelujah” chorus. Guest conductor Patrick Dupré Quigley leads soloists, the Phoenix Symphony and the Phoenix Symphony Chorus in the timeless classic.


Thursday, December 12, 20247:30 PM<br>Camelback Bible ChurchBuy TicketsView Packages
Friday, December 13, 20247:30 PM<br>Mesa Arts CenterBuy TicketsView Packages
Saturday, December 14, 20247:30 PM<br>Pinnacle Presbyterian ChurchBuy TicketsView Packages
Sunday, December 15, 20243:00 PM<br>Pinnacle Presbyterian ChurchBuy TicketsView Packages


George Frideric Handel

Messiah, HWV 56
1. Sinfonia
2. Accompagnato: Comfort ye, comfort ye my people (Tenor)
3. Air: Ev’ry valley shall be exalted (Tenor)
4. Chorus: And the glory, the glory of the Lord (Chorus)
5. Accompagnato: Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts
6. Air: But who may abide the day of His coming (Mezzo
7. Chorus: And He shall purify (Chorus)
Recitative: Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Mezzo Soprano)
8. Air and Chorus: O Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
(Mezzo Soprano, Chorus)
9. Accompagnato: For, behold, darkness (Baritone)
10. Air: The people that walked in darkness (Baritone)
11. Chorus: For unto us a child is born (Chorus)
12. Pifa: Pastoral Symphony
Recitative: There were shepherds abiding in the field
13. Accompagnato: And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon
them (Soprano)
Recitative: And the angel said unto them (Soprano)
14. Accompagnato: And suddenly there was with the angel
15. Chorus: Glory to God in the highest (Chorus)
16. Air: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (Soprano)
Recitative: Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened (Mezzo
17. Duet: He shall feed his fl ock like a shepherd (Mezzo
Soprano and Soprano)
18. Chorus: His yoke is easy, His burden is light (Chorus)
19. Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God (Chorus)
20. Air: He was despised (Mezzo Soprano)
21. Chorus: Surely He hath borne our griefs (Chorus)
22. Chorus: And with His stripes we are healed (Chorus)
23. Chorus: All we, like sheep, have gone astray (Chorus)
24. Accompagnato: All they that see him, laugh him to scorn
25. Chorus: He trusted in God (Chorus)
26. Accompagnato: Thy rebuke hath broken (Tenor)
27. Arioso: Behold and see (Tenor)
28. Accompagnato: He was cut off (Soprano)
29. Air: But Thou didst not leave (Soprano)
36. Air: Why do the nations rage? (Baritone)
37. Chorus: Let us break their bonds (Chorus)
Recitative: He that dwelleth in Heaven shall laugh them to
scorn (Tenor)
38. Air: Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron (Tenor)
39. Chorus: Hallelujah! (Chorus)
40. Air: I know that my Redeemer liveth (Soprano)
41. Chorus: Since by man came death (Chorus)
42. Accompagnato: Behold I tell you a mystery (Baritone)
43. Air: The trumpet shall sound (Baritone)
46. Air: If God be for us (Soprano)
47. Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Chorus)
Chorus: Amen (Chorus)



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